Nutcracker (DVD)

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  • Produktbeschreibung

    Nutcracker (DVD)

    Der Nussknacker von Tschaikowsky ist eines der beliebtesten Ballette aller Zeiten und wird immer wieder zur Weihnachtszeit aufgeführt. Es erzählt die Geschichte von Klara, die am Weihnachtsabend von ihrem Patenonkel einen Nussknacker geschenkt bekommt. In der Nacht träumt sie von einer Schlacht der vom Nussknacker angeführten Spielzeugsoldaten gegen das Heer des Mäusekönigs. Mit ihrer Hilfe siegt der Nussknacker, der sich danach in einen Prinzen verwandelt und mit ihr in das Reich der Süßigkeiten reist…
  • Zusatzinformation

    FSK 0
    Anzahl der Medien
    1 DVD
    Spielzeit / Länge
    1h 28m 0s
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  • Titelliste

    1 Kirov Ballett/Gergiev,V./KIRO Titles (Mariinsky Version) - 01:29 Min.
    2 Kirov Ballett/Gergiev,V./KIRO Overture (Act 1) - 03:10 Min.
    3 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Christmas Eve In The Kitchen (Act 1) - 03:37 Min.
    4 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Stahlbaums Dress For Dinner (Act 1) - 02:09 Min.
    5 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Guests Arrive (Act 1) - 01:15 Min.
    6 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Grown-Ups Dance (Act 1) - 01:03 Min.
    7 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Drosselmeyer Arrives (Act 1) - 02:45 Min.
    8 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dances Of The Mechanical Dolls (Act 1) - 03:40 Min.
    9 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Masha Dances With The Nutcracker (Act 1) - 03:18 Min.
    10 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Grandfather's Dance (Act 1) - 01:07 Min.
    11 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Guests Depart (Act 1) - 01:32 Min.
    12 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Drawing Room - Midnight - The Rats' Ball (Act 1) - 02:19 Min.
    13 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Transformation - Battle Of The Rats & Toys (Act 1) - 05:47 Min.
    14 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Nutcracker And Masha Fly Off (Act 1) - 03:11 Min.
    15 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Waltz Of The Snowflakes (Act 1) - 06:28 Min.
    16 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Inside The Sweet Shop (Act 2) - 08:05 Min.
    17 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Spanish Matadors (Act 2) - 01:12 Min.
    18 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Eastern Snake-Charmers (Act 2) - 03:18 Min.
    19 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Chinamen (Act 2) - 01:14 Min.
    20 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Petrushkas (Act 2) - 01:12 Min.
    21 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Bumblebees (Act 2) - 02:25 Min.
    22 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Dance Of The Pulcinellas (Act 2) - 02:34 Min.
    23 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Masha Breaks The Spell (Act 2) - 00:57 Min.
    24 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Waltz Of The Flowers (Act 2) - 05:27 Min.
    25 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Pas de deux: Masha And The Nutcracker Prince (Act 2) - 05:46 Min.
    26 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Solo: The Nutcracker Prince Tarantella (Act 2) - 00:50 Min.
    27 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Solo: Masha Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy (Act 2) - 02:11 Min.
    28 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Coda: The Nutcracker Prince, Masha & All Of Confiturenberg (Act 2) - 01:28 Min.
    29 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Grand Wedding Waltz (Act 2) - 03:26 Min.
    30 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet Drosselmeyer Outside The Shop (Act 2) - 00:50 Min.
    31 Artists of the Mariinsky Ballet The Wedding Cake (Act 2) - 00:39 Min.
    32 Kirov Ballett/Gergiev,V./KIRO Curtain Calls (Mariinsky Version) - 02:10 Min.
    33 Not Applicable Closing Credits (Mariinsky Version) - 01:26 Min.
    # 1 Interpret  Titel
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