Photovoltaic effect in iodine-doped nonconjugated conductive polymers

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    Photovoltaic effect in iodine-doped nonconjugated conductive polymers

    Photovoltaic cells has been fabricated using iodine-doped nonconjugated conductive polymers, poly( -pinene) and cis-polyisoprene. Quadratic electro-optic modulation has been measured in the doped film of cis-polyisoprene at 633nm wavelength. Guided wave electro-optic effect has been reported for the first time using iodine doped cis-polyisoprene at 633nm. The throughput of the waveguide was 5% involving iodine doped nonconjugated conductive polymer. The modulation depth observed for this waveguide was 1% for an applied field of 0.3 V/ m. These initial results look very promising.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Scholar's Press
    ISBN / EAN
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