Phyto-diversity under Chir Pine (Pinus roxburgii) Forest

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    Phyto-diversity under Chir Pine (Pinus roxburgii) Forest

    Champion Block is one of the important plantation blocks of Forest Research Institute in which Chir pine forests was established. Phyto-diversity study was carried out in this Block. The specific strands within the Block were sampled with the help of quadrates of suitable size viz.10m x 10m for trees, 5m x 5m shrubs for and 1m x 1m for herbs. The data regarding no. of species, diameter of trees, collar diameter of shrubs, height of the trees and shrubs were obtained. The data so obtained was analyzed for frequency, species richness, dominance, species density and IVI. It was concluded from the study that if Chir pine forest is protected, the diversity of plants can be enhanced. The unprotected/open Chir pine forests mostly has grass covers and needles of pines on its floor, much of the regenerated species in these unprotected forests are damaged due to intense biotic pressure and frequent forest fires in the western Himalayan region. It is cleared from this study that protected Champion block of pine area have more diversity of plants and regeneration of species than the unprotected pine forest area of Himalayan region.
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    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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