e-Business Model for Pangasinan State University

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    e-Business Model for Pangasinan State University

    This study aimed to assess the e-business infrastructure of the private universities in Pangasinan during the school year 2009-2010 as basis for a proposed e-business model for the Pangasinan State University. Specifically it sought to answers the following: 1.What is the status of the e-business infrastructure of the private universities in Pangasinan during the school year 2009-2010 in terms of the following: a.Technical aspects b.Services offered c.Website contents and features 2. What is the status of e-business infrastructure of Pangasinan State University compared in terms of the aforementioned variables? 3.What are the needs identified by the student population of Pangasinan State University relative to its e-business infrastructure? 4.Based on the findings, what e-business model for the Pangasinan State University can be evolved to address its student needs for a more effective online business transaction? This study used the descriptive method of research in its assessment of the e-business infrastructure of private universities in Pangasinan and needs of Pangasinan State University e-business infrastructure.
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    Scholar's Press
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