Single Cell 'Omics of Neuronal Cells

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    Single Cell 'Omics of Neuronal Cells

    This volume discusses the latest techniques used in the diverse fields of single cell 'omics and covers topics such as quantifying the single cell transcriptome; isolation of cells in nanoliter volumes for single cell proteomics measurements by nano-LC-MS/MS; and single cell protein characterization by immunoblotting. A wide range of methodologies are highlighted, ranging from high-yield chemical amplification to mass spectrometry and nanotechnology for the analysis of the chemical constituents of cells. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include both in-depth overviews, as well as detailed protocols that provide the key advice from specialists you need to get successful results in your laboratory. 

    Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Single Cell 'Omics of Neuronal Cells is a valuable resource for experienced and novice researchers interested in learning more about this field and its future developments.

  • Zusatzinformation

    Springer, Berlin
    ISBN / EAN
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